Conflict Management First Aid Workshops
Support your team to strengthen their skills to manage conflicts, disputes, heated situations and difficult behaviour.
Conflict Management
Disagreements and conflict happen all the time. How well we handle that conflict makes a difference between these situations being opportunities for learning and growth or form them to damage relationships and cause corrosive conflict situations that can escalate out of control.
About the course
TheĀ workshop is delivered in person or online by qualified dispute resolution professionals.
Their skills in stepping into conflict situations and attendees with real life expertise as we share insights and strategies for managing and transforming conflict.
4 ways of Listening
Learn about the 4 ways of listening and transform the way you listen to hard to hear messages.
Understand the role that unfulfilled needs play in conflict and learn how to listen for unmet needs in a conflict situation.
Transforming Conflict
Learn a simple 5 step process to make a request for change when you don't like someone's behaviour.
Learn strategies to deal with when someone brings complaints about others to you to resolve.

workshop format
3 hour in person workshop or 2 sessions online with a comprehensive workbook and fun interactive activities.
Private Hosted Workshop
You can schedule a workshop for your team or organisation.
Public Hosted Workshop
You can host a workshop for your clients, customers or the general public.
Online Workshop
Looking for a remote access option? The workshop is available for online delivery as either a private or public workshop.
our participants love it!
The biggest learning was to be very focused on the needs hidden behind the behaviour.
Conflict Management First Aid Workshop Participant
The presenters were interesting and very informative in their presentations.
Conflict Management First Aid Workshop Participant
The biggest learning was ways of listening to hard to hear messages. Avoid using a domination strategy in favour of a relational strategy.
Conflict Management First Aid Workshop Participant
contact us today!
Download our brochure or get in touch to discuss your needs.
We can also provide group facilitation or customised workshops if you have different needs.